Now, I know you are thinking the miracle is that I have posted to my blog, but I am happy to announce that it is SO much more than that. Drum roll please...the kids have learned how to take off the empty roll AND replace it with a new one!!!Evidence #1: Notice that the new roll is backwards (flap going backwards). Such a small thing when it comes down to it. The replacement alone is advanced housekeeping, we can overlook the misdirection. I know what you are thinking - how do I know it isn't JP going around the house replacing empty rolls....
Here is JP's powder room. Notice the empty roll just below the new one? Ya, ya, ya, it's my empty roll too, but still evidence #2.
Evidence #3 is the standard way a new roll should look if I had anything to do with it. Notice the flap coming forward? The triangle fold comes from three months at Three Bear Lodge. Good times...Any way, I hope that you find your Christmas miracle just as I did. It doesn't matter how small or inconspicuous. Find it and be joyful. Make your Christmas AMAZING! Merry Christmas!!!
Oh my heck!!!! It is a miracle. That never happens in my house, ever! I should say, I am the only one who is willing to do it. I don't point though, that's rude! lol Nice touch by the way.
My Christmas miracle is snow, lots of snow by next Thursday/Friday.
Pray for snow, tell the kids to pray for snow. It'll help!
Three Bear Lodge??? The one in West Yellowstone?? I worked in West Yellowstone two summers at Ambassador Quality Inn (no longer there) but it was owned by the same people as Three Bear Lodge. Anyway, I used to fold the TP like that too!
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